The Silent Power of Observation. 7 Practical Guides To sharpen Your Observation Skill

The Silent Power of Observation: How Noticing More Can Change Your Life

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt the energy shift? Or maybe you’ve met someone and just knew something was off, even though they were smiling? My friend, that’s not just vibes; it’s the power of observation! Many times, we move through life on autopilot, missing golden opportunities, subtle warnings, and even small joys. But what if I told you that simply sharpening your observation skills could change your life in ways you never imagined? Let’s dive in.

Why Observation Matters

In this fast-paced world, everybody is in a hurry (everybody dey rush); rushing to work, rushing through conversations, rushing through life, literally. But those who take a moment to really see beyond the surface tend to make better decisions, avoid wahala (problems), and even spot opportunities others overlook in business, relationships, or personal growth.

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” Marilyn Vos Savant.

Observation is not just about looking; it’s about seeing. It’s about noticing the small things others ignore, the patterns in human behaviour, and the silent messages people communicate without words. Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to be ahead, making smart moves before others? It’s not magic; it’s simply that they pay more attention and act accordingly.

Let me gist you. Some years ago, a friend of mine was at a job interview. Instead of just focusing on the questions, she noticed something, the interviewer seemed to light up when she mentioned a certain project. She leaned into that topic, spoke passionately, and guess what? She got the job! Partly because she paid attention to both the verbal and non-verbal expressions of her interviewer. Sometimes, the key to success is not just what you say but what you notice. 

Personally, I have been in situations where paying close attention and keen observation have saved me more times than I can count. An instance that readily comes to mind as I write this was, during a house hunt somewhere in Western Nigeria. I was just about to sign the rental agreement when I noticed something that didn’t sit right with me. I took a step back at the last minute. That decision saved me from a potential disaster. That’s a story for another post.


Practical Ways to Sharpen Your Observation Skills 

With human attention span diminishing by the second, truly observing the world around us can feel like a herculean task. Yet, observation is a skill, and just like mastering how to make your favourite dish, it gets better with practice.

Here’s how you can sharpen your observation skill:

1. Slow Down: Don’t always be in a rush. Take a moment to observe people and places around you. Stop, look around, and take note of details others overlook. Sometimes, the biggest opportunities hide in small things.

2. Listen More, Talk Less: Sometimes, what people don’t say is louder than what they say. Body language, facial expressions, even the way a person breathes, says a lot only if you listen.

3. Be Curious, Ask Questions: The more curious you are, the more you notice. People reveal a lot when you ask the right questions. Sometimes, just watching how they react to certain topics will give you all the information you need.

4. Keep a Journal: Jot down small but interesting things you notice daily. You will be shocked at how much you’ve been missing! Writing makes you more aware of your surroundings and helps you spot patterns over time.

5. Study People’s Reactions: Watch how people behave when they are comfortable versus when they are nervous. This will help you read situations better and avoid unnecessary surprises.

6. Train Your Peripheral Vision: Most people focus only on what’s right in front of them, but a sharp observer notices what’s happening in the background too. When you walk into a room, scan your surroundings. You might see something important others don’t.

7. Play Mind Games: Challenge yourself by trying to recall small details after leaving a place. What colour was the receptionist’s dress? What was playing on the TV at the restaurant? With time, your ability to notice details will improve.

Observation in Relationships

You know how many people don enter one chance relationship because them no shine eye? Many times, the signs were there, but they refused to see them. If you pay attention early, you can spot when someone is being dishonest, manipulative, or simply not a good match for you.

For example, a person who always dodges questions about their past might have something to hide. Someone who constantly criticises others but never takes responsibility for their actions might be a walking red flag. “People show you who they are; it’s up to you to notice.” Maya Angelou

Observation in Career Growth and Business: See the Opportunity Before Others Do

In business and career, opportunities don’t always announce themselves. You have to observe, anticipate, and act before others do. If you are observant, you will notice trends before they become mainstream. You will see gaps in the market, understand customer behaviour, and even predict what people will need before they know it themselves. That is being proactive.

A good businessperson is not just someone who works hard but someone who notices small changes that make a big difference. This is how people build wealth: by seeing the next big thing before others.

Street Smartness 

No matter where you live, if you’re not paying attention, you can easily get caught in a bad deal. From financial scams to shady agreements, being observant is a crucial life skill.

How do you spot a scam?

Is someone rushing you? Red flag.

Does the deal seem too good to be true? Red flag.

Is the person avoiding questions? Walk away.

A sharp observer picks up on these signs and steers clear of trouble. Not every opportunity is worth jumping into!

The world is full of clues, but only those who pay attention will see them. Whether it’s in career, friendships, or even just crossing the road in Lagos (because danfo drivers no send you 😅), observation can save you from costly mistakes and open doors you didn’t even know existed. So, shine your eye well; you never know what life-changing detail you might spot next.

“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” George Bernard Shaw

Stay frosty!

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